Presentation deck summarising my dedicated smartphone app response to the HS2 - RSA 2022 brief, making multi-modal travel (a combination of walking, wheeling, cycling and sustainable rail networks) accessible and inclusive to improve the experience for all.
To assist the design process, the UXD proposal focuses on a budding sector of micromobility, e-scooters, with a view to add other applicable modes of travel in future.

Outline of proposal
Inspired by HS2’s design vision, People (designing for everyone to benefit & enjoy), Place (design for a sense of place; celebrate the local), & Time (design to stand the test of time), as there is no designated e-scooter rental operator, currently trials, I designed the app envisioning a dedicated HS2 e-scooter service, as part of the HS2 infrastructure, enriching the service experience of existing operators, not just implementing information architecture and visual changes, but adding connectivity to the e-scooter and a network of docking stations, that incorporate features such as air pollution sensors, providing live data for the app to determine the healthier route.